Thursday, January 11, 2018

the road to peace

As the United States and 'friends' pursue a 17-year-old, easier-than-peace, Afghan war effort, a single man in India seems to be demonstrating the inescapable observation that peace and honest sweat are intimately linked.
A man in a remote eastern Indian village has single-handedly carved a five-mile (8km) road through hilly terrain to help his children attend school.
It had been taking Jalandhar Nayak’s three sons about three hours each way to navigate the narrow, rocky route to class. So two years ago the vegetable seller from Odisha state picked up a chisel, a garden hoe and pickaxe and began building a shorter route....
“My children found it hard to walk on the narrow and stony path while going to their school. I often saw them stumbling against the rocks and decided to carve a road through the mountain so that they can walk more easily,” he told News World Odisha.

1 comment:

  1. Strange.

    A man like Donald Trump claims to help others but mostly helps himself and his family.

    Jalandhar Nayak claims to help himself and his family but helps others.
